5 tactics that sabotage your job search

Neck-deep in job applications? Avoid these methods that hinder your success and push you further from your dream career.

Jenny Foss over at the DailyMuse has some great tips for job applicants.

She recently shared 5 ways you’re actually hindering your chances of getting a job at your ideal company. If you cringe in guilt when you read any of these tactics, you should probably rethink your job search strategy.

  1. Spending 100% of your search time submitting online applications
  1. Applying for jobs (blindly) when you’re not an obvious on-paper match
  2. Expecting “I’m a fast learner” to clinch anything for you
  3. Foisting your resume on strangers before you’ve spent 10 seconds building some rapport
  4. Calling the HR person, recruiter, or hiring manager with ridiculous frequency

Check out Jenny’s full post to find out why you should stop these tactics, and what you should be doing instead.

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