What You Shouldn't Put on Your Resume

One page isn’t enough space to highlight your entire professional history. It is usually, however, a good allowance of space for you to list the qualifications that make you an attractive potential hire for a specific position and employer.

Do Include Relevant Information

Include the information that’s relevant to the job you’re applying for. Resumes are meant to tell an employer what you can do for him/her—why you’re the right hire for the role that you’re applying to, without burying that information among accomplishments that aren’t relevant. Don’t include an exhaustive list of all of your past works, studies, volunteer work, hobbies, and foreign languages that you can say 30 words in.

If you’re applying for a role as an accountant, for example, it’s not helpful to give a detailed record of your background in criminal law. Unless, of course, that position is at a law firm or police station. You get the idea.

Don’t Overlook Relevant Skills

The opposite mistake that you can make when building your resume is to remove all past experience that seems irrelevant. Often, though, even if you are changing careers or industries, you gleaned legacy aptitudes in former professions that transfer over. Instead of removing these skills from a resume, you should know how to highlight them in a light that matters to a potential employer.

For example, if you’re applying for a role as a web developer and have only been previously employed as a barista, then you don’t need to say that you can make a perfect rosetta foam pattern in a latte. However, it is beneficial to highlight your record of satisfying each customer’s needs, or your ability to work on or manage a team, work under stress, or pay attention to detail to ensure the accuracy of your work.

There’s Always LinkedIn

As you advance in your career, you accumulate more and more relevant experience and achievements to add to your resume. Instead of pushing the page margins or reducing font size, put the most relevant and impressive information on your one-page resume, then add that and everything else that’s still relevant to your LinkedIn profile, which isn’t limited to one page and is frequently viewed by employers during the hiring process.

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