Powered by Code Fellows

Who are Code Fellows' Partners?

Established high-schools, colleges, universities, vocational schools, innovation hubs, accelerators, hiring companies and code schools across the country that desire to bring our proven curriculum and talent to their community and agree to uphold our same high-bar of quality. Get in touch to discover if a partnership is right for you.

What Sets Our Curriculum Apart?

Crafting a curriculum that successfully prepares students for a career in tech isn’t a fast or easy process. We’ve done the hard part for you. Since 2013, we’ve been building, refining, and adapting our curriculum so that graduates are prepared for the rigorous demands and high expectations of the tech industry. With thousands of graduates now working in rewarding new careers in more than 800 companies in markets around the globe we’ve been able to tailor our curriculum to fit learning styles, exceed employer expectations, industry standards, and our own high bar for excellence.

Students who immerse themselves in Code Fellows curriculum and training methods (like stacked learning) have the skills they need to be world-class technologists and are able to immediately contribute to the companies they join—on day one—as well as keep up with the rigorous demands of an ever-changing market. They build portfolio-ready projects, understand the ins and outs of their craft, and have the aptitude necessary to nail any technical assessment or interview they will face in the job market.

What Do Schools Receive?

Powered by partners receive access to all of our proven curriculum and instructor training and certification, designed to meet the demands of tech employers. On top of joining a global network of Powered by schools, you instantly gain access to the knowledge and expertise of many experienced leaders, both at Code Fellows and within the network of schools that use our curriculum.

what schools receive what schools receive

Along with our curriculum and teaching material, we provide Powered By partners with marketing and operations support, guidance during launch, connection to global network of schools and hiring partners, and more.

As the tech industry continues to grow and our curriculum adapts to market trends and changing landscapes, your teachers will instantly get the most up-to-date curriculum, along with support to train students in new and updated technologies.

We want to see more people discover their potential and start high-paying careers in tech, and see communities add more diversity to the tech industry. We’ve witnessed the difference that fast-paced, job-focused training can make, and want to help others bring the power of tech education to their communities.

Our partner schools are respected organizations in their industry who want to bring tech training to more people. Get in touch if you’d like to join the group of incredible schools listed below and bring life-changing curriculum and training to your community!

Academia de Código

Academia de Código

Lisbon, Portugal
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American Apprenticeships Work

American Apprenticeships Work

New York, New York
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American Code Lab

American Code Lab

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Bellevue College

Bellevue College

Bellevue, Washington
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Cayman Code Academy

Cayman Code Academy

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
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Memphis, Tenneessee
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Code Fusion

Code Fusion

San Antonio, Texas
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Chicago, Illinois
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Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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Enter Tech School

Enter Tech School

Lima, Peru
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iCreate Institute

Kingston, Jamaica
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IT Labs

Skopje, North Macedonia
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JobReady by LearningMate

JobReady by LearningMate

Princeton, New Jersey
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Luminus Technical University College

Luminus Technical University College

Amman, Jordan
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Mid-Valey STEM-CTE Hub

Mid-Valey STEM-CTE Hub

Albany, Oregon
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Norfolk, Virginia
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Oregon Department of Education

Oregon Department of Education (ODE)

Salem, Oregon
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Sabal Tech

Sabal Tech

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
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Savvy Coders

Savvy Coders

St.Louis, Missouri
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Tech Educators

Tech Educators

Norwich, Great Britain
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Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle

Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle

Seattle, Washington
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Yellow Tail Tech

Yellow Tail Tech

Silver Spring, Maryland
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Through Powered by Code Fellows, we find strategic partners in markets all around the globe who are looking to help individuals transform their lives through education. When we say, “We believe in you,” we’re not just talking about current Code Fellows students or the people right here in our city. We’re a global company focused on global needs so that more people can discover their potential, begin high-paying careers in tech, and add diversity to the tech industry. A strong global tech industry needs the diversity of thought that comes from all of us working together to find better solutions to difficult problems. People with the potential to be world-class tech leaders don’t just live in traditional tech hubs like San Francisco, New York, and Seattle; they’re all around the world.

To produce lasting change through tech education, it takes strong partnerships that are connected to—and invested in—their local communities; partners who are in it for the long haul, have “skin in the game,” and a vested desire to do what it takes to make a lasting impact.

This is why Code Fellows partners with amazing organizations like the ones listed on this page, to leverage our collective strengths to produce lasting impact and economic growth. These partnerships allow us to focus on what we do best: build a world-class curriculum and train instructors who produce world-class technologists. These individuals go on to create startups, join companies, and build strong and stable economies that benefit everyone. We’re invested in helping individuals and companies in every community around the globe build something that lasts—where everyone has a chance to succeed.